Short historical summary
The European Convention for breeding and keeping domestic animals as well as the new Swiss laws for animal protection (Art. 10.) were the decisive factors to start a new breeding program.
Goal of these experiments was to create a medium sized bulldog which meets all the requirements established by the animal protection laws for a healthy dog which however maintains the valued temperament of the English Bulldog that is so well liked.
The cross-breeds with English Bulldogs and Old English Bulldogs – with the permission of and under the leadership of the Swiss Kennel Club – however, showed very soon that the program eventually led to the creation of a new breed, a breed that comes fairly close to the original Bulldog type. In order to clearly distinguish the new breed from the English Bulldog, the name “Continental Bulldog” was chosen. The decisions and measures in connection with the creation of the new breed were made in accordance with FCI (representatives of the Standard and Scientific Commissions)
The fact that so far no middle-sized, resilient family dog of the molosser type exists but is very much in demand, is confirmed by the many testimonials from enthusiastic owners of the young breed. The Continental Bulldog is ready to fulfil this gap.
USE: Companion, Family dog
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 2 pinschers and schnauzers molossers – Swiss alpine dogs and other breeds Section 2 molossers, None-working dogs
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A smooth coated, almost square, medium-sized bulldog-type dog of athletic build. Despite his compact body, the Continental Bulldog is mobile and of staying power; his respiration even at full speed is noiseless. His weight, depending on his height, is between 20 and 30 kg. Dogs and bitches shall possess distinctive characteristics of their sex.
“For quite some time the well-known breeder of English Bulldogs, Imelda Angehrn, was not satisfied anymore with the direction towards which the English Bulldog was developing. At the same time discussions with the authorities in Switzerland on stricter animal protection laws and breeding regulations began. After in-depth discussions with renowned dog experts Imelda Angehrn decided to seek approval for cross breeding the English Bulldog with another breed. On December 6, 2000 the Swiss Club for English Bulldogs and the Breed Council of the Swiss Kennel Club gave Imelda Angehrn their permission for the trial cross breeds English Bulldog x Old English Bulldogs and in Summer 2001 the first litter of these Pickwick Crossbreeds fell which as a result she named PICKWICK BULLDOGS OLD TYPE (PBOT). The aim of this experiment was to achieve increased natural whelping, noiseless breathing, improved agility and resilience of the dogs. The initial goal was to infuse the genes of these crossbreeds later on into the English Bulldog. This proved to be impossible for various reasons. However, it soon became evident that the new breeding program was a great success because the dogs emanating from it were very popular with all their owners indeed enthusiastic about the unique temperament, the flexibility and resilience of the PBOT’s. So, quite soon a project group was formed with representatives of the Working Committee for Breeding Development and Support of The Swiss Kennel Club (SKC) in close cooperation with Imelda Angehrn, as she was working towards the recognition of a new Bulldog breed. At that time about 70 of these dogs were evaluated by a veterinarian and a show judge and their registration in the Annex of the Swiss Stud Book (SHSB) was applied for. As a result, the Board of the SKC decided on September 15, 2004 to give the green light for the creation of a new breed under the name CONTINENTAL BULLDOG based on the application of the aforementioned Committee and with the stipulation of various rules and regulations. Thus on Sunday, December 5, 2004 the Founding Meeting took place in the presence of 41 of the then registered 105 members. In a pleasant and friendly atmosphere the CONTINENTAL BULLDOG CLUB SWITZERLAND – CBCS was born.” Quote from the club’s website.

Continental Bulldog is a confident, agile, trustworthy, family friendly, social dog, always with happy nature. Temperamental and stubborn bulldog with a developed good sense of humour. Most of the day they are characterized by clowning, but they also like laying down the couch.
However, they are originated from English Bulldog, we definitely need to prescind from it. Continental Bulldog is witty, teachable but their stubbornness makes them a real bulldog.
Their need for movement cannot be underestimated. Their early socialization is essential.
Continental Bulldogs’ nature: quite insistent, company loving, real partner animal. The stubborn surface covers a sentimental inside. Therefore, during their teaching and training the positive feedback is essential to be given. The Continental Bulldog is attentive and requires the communication from their environment. They observe everything and therefore they are able to fit into a family’s everyday life very quickly. Their attentiveness often stays behind their stubbornness. The Continental Bulldog has the bulldog’s stubbornness and therefore they insist on things that are important to them and refuse things that are useless, boring or uninteresting to them. This is the reason why it is very important to emphasize the communication with the dog from a very early age and develop a „common language”.
The Continental Bulldog is sociable.
It is quite important to find and form the appropriate balance between learning/playing/resting time especially in their first year.
The Continental Bulldogs’ relationship with other dogs and animals: They can be socialized easily and fast. It is essential to be socialized in a very early age. The training and the socialization are very important parts to be responsible dog owner regarding all dog types.
The Continental Bulldog in the family: they have a very attentive and playful personality therefore they can be loved very easily, they become a family member quite fast. Behavior with kids has to be taught to them the same way as to every other dog type. It is true here also, that if they get the right communication and lots of positive feedback as a puppy then they will assimilate into the family’s everyday life easily.
Need for movement: More active than the regular bulldog but it can be different in each case. There are Continental Bulldogs who prefer to sit on the couch and there are those who prefer to move a lot and longer. They love the daily walks, practically they are able to walk with us on any distance but they like the free running as well. We need to be careful on hotter days and rather choose the early morning or the late afternoon time for a walk when the air is cooler and fresher.