Ch BulldozerContibulls Astano – PabloDob. 03.05.2022HD B / ED 0DVL2 N/N Cyst: N/NCMR1 N/cmr1B-Lokus B/BHUU: N/NDM: N/NHeight: 49cmWeight: 28 KgUnderbite: 5mmFull teethFCI Show results: Swiss Show ChampionSire: Pickwick Apollo Elf HD B ED 0Dam: Bogotá Crazy Eye Bulls HD A ED 0Character test and breeding license from CBCS Owner: Jennifer Phone: +41 79 126 15 72(Switzerland)InstagramOffsprings:Kennel Pansargrisen litter “I” (5 male, 3 female ) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First name and last name *FirstLastEmail *Comment or Message *GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Submit