GCH BulldozerContibulls Airolo aka Mamba Dob. 03.05.2022HD C / ED 0 (Dysplasia Committee Zurich)DVL2 N/N Cyst: N/NCMR1 N/NB-Lokus B/BDNA profil(Labogen Lab)BOAS ratio 0.3BOAS grade 0Height: 47 cmWeight: 26 kgUnderbite: 1.2 cmFull teethFCI Show results: JCH CH GCH SCHSire: Pickwick Apollo Elf HD B ED 0Dam: Bogotá Crazy Eye Bulls HD A ED 0Character test and breeding license from CBCS 05.10.2024Owner: Nóra Anna Nagynora.anna.nagy@gmail.com(Hungary) Instagram Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First name and last name *FirstLastEmail *Comment or Message *GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Submit